I am an old school rocker. I have been singing and playing for 45 years, and I just found these guys today. Holy crap they are good. Her voice is as good as any rocker from any era ever. That's right; she is as good a rock singer as there ever was, and I truly mean that. It means so much to me to hear these guys absolutely nail it the way they do. They do the originals so much justice. I am blown away.
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Multiplied 1000 times - grew up in the 70,80's - bands of the day - SUZIE Q - BLONDIE - LED ZEP - QUO - ROLLING STONES - THE FACES - YOU HAVE IT ALL - POWER - STRENGTH - MUSICALITY - PERFORMANCE - PERSONALITY - PLEASE BE A WORLD WIDE SUPERBAND !!!!!!!!!!!!
And the Liliac original music is pretty friggin' awesome too!