.... HEY!.. FANGdom!.. Happy TERRIFIC TUESDAY!.. what a ROCKIN’ week this is going to be!...the CRISTEA’s are currently working on something..EPIC!.. 🤪... before they leave their stomping grounds of LA.. and move to the suburbs of Georgia 🍑...and that NEW MAGNIFICENT house!.. 😁.. 😃😃...
...but coming quickly is...’SUPER FRIDAY!’....9-4-20!.. 👍🏻👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻... and the beginning of the Holiday weekend and the official end of summer!..🤨...
But what a eventful day it will be for the LEGION!...and Liliac...their ..’Crazy Nights’ ..video premieres!.. 😲😳🤯🤯...so the COUNTDOWN BEGINS!... 😄
...and..and .. Melodio.. will be taping ... her ‘EPIC’ set with ‘The Legends’ @ Sawtooth/Chromocast / GoDps .. how utterly FANTASTIC!. that is gonna be ...STAY TUNED!.. to socials..for ALL the deets...about that coming up
But my FANGS!..something else has come up on my ROCKdar ... that same day!..
What is it?... well.. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻...
Stryper’s ..NEW video from their NEW album also drops on Friday 9-4-20!.. @ 10 am PDT ..
‘Do Unto Others’.. vs. ‘Crazy Nights’... mano-e-mano ...
Sooo .. let’s make sure we get to viewing ..’Crazy Nights’. BIG TIME!.. and sharing the video link....EVERYWHERE!..🤗...and let’s see who gets more views out of the box!... 😲🧐🤨🤔🤔.... 😁...

... 🤘🏻🧛🏻♂️🧛🏻♀️🤘🏻...