The only think that sounds like a Les Paul is a Les Paul no matter the skill of the player. If Liliac does have an endorsement deal with Sawtooth, I bet that they are playing instruments custom made just for them. I wonder, if another reason that they play Sawtooth, is to sound different from all the bands that currently use Les Paul guitars. You can definitely hear the difference in their sound using Sawtooth guitars. I knew that they were not using Les Pauls when I first heard them.
@markgmatson That's probably due to what you do for a living as to what I do. I Beleive Samuel to be an exceptional guitar player so for this engineer I cannot tell the difference.
Samual can make a sawtooth sound likea Les Paul!
...Ahh...cause the Cristea’s have a FULL endorsement deal with Sawtooth!..
Maybe they have an endorsement with Sawtooth.